At a glance:
Images of a landscape history
The tour in the south of the Regionalpark is reminiscent of a scenic illustrated arch that reflects the life of people over the centuries. The relaxed and varied ride through fields, forests and meadows offers vivid insights into cultural history – and artistic views into the distance.
The orchard meadows are always a feast for the eyes, especially in the springtime when they are in blossom and in autumn just before the harvest. This traditional form of use has shaped the landscape for centuries. Particularly on the outskirts of the villages, the orchard meadows not only provided people with fruit, but also with valuable wood for furniture and grass clippings for the cattle. The structurally rich surfaces, some of which have very old fruit trees, are also valuable habitats for insects and birds. Fortunately, the utilisation of the fruit trees is still very much alive here, because this area has a long ”Apfelwein“ cider tradition.
But the extensive forests also have a long history. The Dietzenbach Forest, for example, was part of the Imperial Dreieich Hunting Ground, which owned the hunting rights as well as the right to supervise the forest. According to a description from the 14th century, the Imperial Hunting Ground extended from the mouth of the River Main to Stockach and from Bad Vilbel to Groß-Bieberau. It was controlled by the Imperial ”Reichsvögte“ (royal stewards) at Burg Hayn in Dreieich.
The relationship between cultural history and the natural environment is particularly evident on the Bulau, a range of hills north of Urberach. People settled here in prehistoric times – the numerous archaeological discoveries in this area are testament to the early settlement activity. At an experience point of the Regionalpark, we come across the Celts in the form of a figuratively staged funeral procession; in the immediate vicinity, the ground was raised to show two Celtic burial mounds in their original size. In Roman times, the Bulau Heights also provided an important transport route from Mainz via Dieburg to the Limes. The structure of the very solid road network becomes clear on a reconstructed section.
The Dietzenbach history trail gives us another vivid insight into past times. The main stages of the city’s history are presented from the first settlement to the awarding of the city charter in 1970. It also demonstrates how urban development was shaped by supra-regional events such as the Thirty Years’ War, the plague, waves of emigration and the period of Nazism.
In Dietzenbach, we reach the Wingertsberg lookout tower. From the 21 m viewing platform, which can be reached via a spiral staircase in an open steel construction, you have a clear view of the entire landscape of the low mountain range around the plain. If you suffer from vertigo, it is also worth looking at this ballet of movement from below.
The Stangenpyramide offers a remarkable view of a different kind. If you take the path that divides the installation into two equal halves, you get an exact view of the Messeturm in Frankfurt, the top of which also inspired the Regionalpark signposting.
The medieval town of Dreieichenhain is a fitting conclusion to this excursion through cultural and landscape history. The gardens around the Burg Hayn and the small alleyways of the old town invite you to wander around and enjoy.
1. At the TOUR START at the S-Bahnhof station, keep west: You enter town on Bahnhofstraße, the red triangle mark indicates the Wingertsberg as the first stop. Go up the Schmidtstraße keeping left towards the old town and at the end, turn sharp right onto Darmstädter Straße – and then immediately turn left onto the very steep Jungfern-Wingert-Straße up to the tower.
2. After the LOOKOUT TOWER, the Regionalpark triangles lead straight ahead to a staircase: If you like, you can follow them. For cyclists, it is easier to go back and turn left onto the through-road (first Darmstädter Straße, then Lindenstraße) down into the town. At the Brunnenstraße, turn left and continue to the field, where you turn right. Next, turn onto another road and you will be made aware of the second major destination of the tour: The Stangenpyramide. From here, the signposts with red triangles are easy to follow.
3. Pay attention at KIRCHBORN: There is only a small red triangle pointing to the left at the information column. Afterwards, the signposts to the Stangenpyramide are more visible, the crossing of the Neuhofschneise is no problem either. On the R8, you ride past Gut Neuhof and the golf course to the …
4. … STANGENPYRAMIDE. A few metres further along, descend left down the R8 and follow the red triangles to the Old town of Dreieichenhain. These signs accompany you to the Burg Hayn and through the picturesque Old Town. At the end of the traffic-calmed zone, follow the red triangle to the left into Schießbergstraße. Cross the railway line and keep going left along the edge of the forest until you reach a T-junction:
5. The REGIONALPARK RUNDROUTE crosses here, follow it to the left. First to Philippseich, then via Götzenhain and Offenthal to the Group of Celtic figures in Rödermark. Behind Offenthal, keep riding along the railway line, the references to the Keltenzug and the Bulau cannot be missed.
6. At the KELTENZUG AUF DER BULAU, turn left and follow the REGIONALPARK RUNDROUTE through the woods and fields to the Geschichtspfad Dietzenbach – beware when crossing the country road!
7. You have reached the GESCHICHTSPFAD DIETZENBACH and will find yourself within a rotunda that’s surrounded by walls: The main route turns right here. After 200 m, turn left on the bridge – and then just keep going straight ahead to the train station.
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